Sunday, July 19, 2020

Conservation Conundrum: Exploring solutions to human wildlife conflict

The recent death of an elephant after consuming firecracker laden fruit meant for wild boars raised much clamour in the Indian as well as international media. But a mere google search can show you that incidents such as these are more the norm and less an exception in our country. But it is an extremely privileged and unempathetic standpoint to view from if one is only blaming the perpetrators who are local farmers defending their crops from vermin.  A sustainable solution to addressing an issue like this would require a more fundamental approach, rather than attributing blame to a few scapegoats.
Thanks to strong conservation legislation implemented in the last three decades, the once declining populations of many animals have been seeing an optimistic uptick. But as human and animal populations continue to rise and the resources they compete for remain limited, it turns into a fatal fight for survival. It is estimated that one human life is lost to animal attack every day. There is also widespread crop and livestock depredation totalling to millions of rupees of loss to farmers every year. Farmer tolerance to depredation is often a function of factors such as economic status of the farmer, vulnerability, extend and nature of the damage, success of the growing season and religious beliefs. Bound by law on the one hand and poverty on the other, both farmers and animals continue being a part of an unjust system that cascades the rising mutual antagonism among local communities and wildlife.  
Though understanding the context of this survival struggle would require delving deep into the causes, this article will be limited to the exploration of viable mitigation strategies to solve the growing crisis.
Lessons from the Maasai:
Introduction to the Maasai people - Masai Mara Bookings
The Maasai warriors. Source:Maasai Mara Bookings
If, up until very recently, boys of the Maasai tribe in Northern Tanzania attained warrior status by single-handedly killing a lion, the new metric for manliness has evolved into protecting the same wildlife from harm. In return, the Maasai are paid conservation dividends by the Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust, from the income generated via Campi ya Kanzi, a luxury wildlife safari. They are also provided education and health facilities that embrace and celebrate the Maasai traditional knowledge base. As a pastoral community, they avoid conflicting meetings with wild animals by not interrupting natural animal movement and adopting simple tricks such as cowbells that warn wild animals of the presence of cattle herds and herders. Any animal depredated is compensated by the trust and not retaliated against. This is a textbook example of how effective human-wildlife conflict resolution can be brought about by incentivizing local community collaboration and sensitizing them about the value of wildlife to the community
Other non lethal solutions:
There are other less explored, but effective methods like intermixing your crop with variants unpalatable to the animal. Farmers in Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Mozambique have been intermixing their crops with chili peppers to keep away elephants as they are averse to capsaicin.

Beehive fencing is another innovation that banks on the fact that elephants have an inherent fear of bees. The farmers also benefit from the income generated via apiculture. The practice is being successfully adopted across Africa. Closer to home, “Thaen”, is a similar project implemented by IRMA Alumni, Arnelit and Arun of PRM 39, in the Nilgiris and has met with considerable success.

The best defense is a good bee-fence
Beehive fencing in Kenya. Source:Mongabay WildTech- Technology for conservation

The Sundarbans, infamous for its man-eating tigers, has been leaving human dummies rigged with battery-powered live electric wires in buffer zones to develop a fear of humans among predators. Assam government recently launched anti-depredation squads which recruited and trained local youth to scare away attacking herds back to the forest and spread awareness about peaceful coexistence.

Government intervention:

Since the conflicts are a direct consequence of human interference, mitigation should also focus on preventive strategies such as improving natural food sources by conserving non-cattle prey base and introducing palatable vegetation within the animal habitat. Revival of natural animal corridors, though expensive, are believed to be extremely useful in keeping animals that migrate large distances off human habitats. Immune contraception is an effective way to cull mounting pest populations such as wild boars and monkeys. These are cost-intensive and may need policy intervention. Another effective intervention from the government would be timely, equitable and convenient disbursal of compensation payment to pacify emotional uprisings and retaliation against the animal, as has been proved by the case of the Maasai.

What Are Eco Bridges/Wildlife Corridors and How Do They Help With ...
62 km Eco bridge in Singapore. Source: Soapboxie

Lastly, the lack of empirical data evidence on solution feasibility discourages conservation agencies from making the required financial investments which are often hefty. There are lacunae with regard to accurate data on the animal population, movement routes, land use patterns in the village, the loss incurred in attacks etc.  Aggressive data generation aided by technology such as aerial surveys should be undertaken. Extracting and analyzing patterns from such information would aid the process of drafting preventive action plans.


The historic solution of coexistence via spatial separation now ceases to be a viable option, and band-aid policies have been shown to often cause further detriment. The best way forward is to accept that there is no more room for adhocism and that there is no single panacea to this problem. We should now focus on policy changes that can enable the formulation of tailor-made, data-based, region-specific solutions, in collaboration with the local stakeholders. These should also be constantly revisited and revised to evolve, as animals tend to devise ways to circumvent obstacles as with traditional trenches and electric fences installed to keep off elephants in Nilgiris, and facemasks worn at the back of the head to mislead tigers in Sundarbans. Also, solutions such as fostering eco-tourism, which encompass incentives for local community participation seem to be the most effective. This will lead us to a trade-off point where animals and humans can coexist benefitting mutually. With a focussed, empathetic, interdisciplinary approach, this destination is not too far.
 -Ardhra Prakash
June 15, 2020
Article for The Rural Post
Source: The Rural Post.Org