Thursday, December 20, 2012

Do I believe in God?

Yes I do. Very strongly in fact. But if you ask whether I believe in all the God business or what you show me as God, then I’m sorry..

Now when I’m going to tell what I know about God, I need to tell you this first up. I’m just a young girl with barely 19 years of experience and very limited knowledge. I do believe in God whom I like to describe as a higher power, a genius and more importantly, a helping hand.

My father as I have mentioned in articles before is an atheist and my mother, a strong believer. So, naturally I’ve acquired something that can be called a blend of these ideas. I believe that there is something very powerful in this world- a figure whose nature or structure or characteristics are not pre – defined.

My mother, a very strong believer in His highness, always tells me that prayers are strong desires and when you are praying, you are repeating these aims, these goals and these desires to your sub conscious mind. It seems logical too. Sometimes when you repeat something over and over, fiercely with passion and dedication, your mind and body already starts working towards the goal even without your knowledge.

For me, it is something more than that too.. I have seen and is seeing many people with in and out faith in god, who worship God with all their hearts and follow the rules and procedures to worship as told, without fail. It must really be working for them. There should be some truth in it. Otherwise, they wouldn’t follow the routine without any positive effect expected.

To me God is like my mother. You don’t always remember her but sometimes when something bad happens to you, she is the first one and mostly the only one you can turn to because you know that how much ever boring or uninteresting or risky your problem might be, she will never leave your side.

Let me be frank. I’m a very selfish follower actually. I remember him when I need him. I cry, I pray. Not necessarily in temples but I do remember the figure once in a while. But still, God has been graceful upon me. He has given me almost everything that needs to keep me happy – a family, virtue to be with the people who passed away for a considerable amount of time. But still I usually complain, nag and even forget God at times. I am amazed at the patience the guy has that despite all this, he never gave me away to diseases or accidents (which I was really vulnerable to) or from cruel and painful experiences. I’m intelligent enough to score marks, behaves properly with people, Ive been the school captain couple of times and I study in one of the best universities in India. And sometimes it makes me emotional too. Because it makes me think again that God is mother.

I believe in spirit not the rock you say is god. My own sister told me long back about a guy who said that Prayer should not be about visiting or offering valuables in such established places of worship.. But prayer is when you get in your room, close the doors and windows and then quietly tell him directly what you want or what you want to say. But please do not get the idea that I repel temples or churches. These are holy premises known so because of the serenity, the peace and the positive atmosphere. Once I have been to the Mookambika Temple and the experience was magical. For a long time, I kind of felt really cleansed. The same way I believe that as I truly believe in the power and ability of God, I do not have to go in search of him always or butter him because he is powerful enough to hear my prayers even if I just whisper it to myself sitting on my bed. Also, another funny thing is that God, who is supposed to be the creator,the owner of the entire universe is gifted with food, sweets, gold and what not!! I just have 2 words for that “HOW LAME!!”

When I started writing it today, I was confused, a little bit afraid too. People told me I was an atheist. But I knew I was not just that. So, after reading the article or rather the debate of my sub-conscious and analyzing the way the it has turned up, I am now sure I'm a strong believer of God and how lucky I am to have somebody to hope from or most importantly blame for my own mistakes.


  1. minchu, a couple of points that I felt like wen I read the article.. (Not all Bcoz I tend to forget)
    1. The language is really good
    2. U wr quoting that u r a selfish follower.. well wat I have found is that he/she/it/you listens to those who calls him/her/it/you occassionaly/rarely.. My reason(it may sound funny to u eventhough) is that he/she/it/you might be really getting irritated by ppl who calls frequently, so he/she/it/you might be listening to those voices which is rarely heard.. Its not "thaan pathi daivam pathi".. its always U bcoz god is u(I mean its our subconscious mind or thoughts).
    3. Also in Old testament I have read that u dont hav to ask him of anything he will give you everything..
    4. In one of the Hindu puranas it was written or said, (situation - Lord Krishna punishing Indra) when Indra asked ppl to worship him Krishna said that its Indra's duty to provide rain to ppl which he cant neglect, and ppl shouldn't pray to Indra for this.. My inference is that pray to none bcoz its their duty to take care of us even if we dont ask for..

    The above points are to those who blindly believe in holy books!..

    For me man created god to satisfy his conscience.. nothing else.. as Ardhra said repeating the same thing or chanting helps us boost selfconfidence (thats why elders ask us to pray with a clear mind).. Subconsciously we are asking ourselves to believe that what ever we ask for will happen.. Then most of you will raise the argument praying is not just for meeting demands its also to thank(seriously how mny does it? :P). But I would like to say by thanking, you are making urself available for the next demand, and thanking another is such a gesture that keeps u humble..

    P.S. These are just my view points.. any other is always welcome..
    Minchu I thot of writing a few "points".. jus that this is such a topic which can easily deviate to others and make you write essays! I forgot most of the points..

  2. :)

    All your points really do make sense.. I loved the 4th one.

    And about blind followers..that is what actually lead me into writing this article.

    There is a girl I know- a strong believer who visits the church daily and claims that several miracles have already happened to her in her short life of 18 years. She is in fact a very strong believer.. But some conversations I had with her lead me into an idea that more than the God she believes in God's self proclaimed care takers - the priests, the pope, their rules and regulations etc. Because once she was explaining to me about Anti-Christ movements like The Black Mass.. But her description of Black Mass to me made it appear similar to Pagan Rituals of the Pagan Religion, a religion that existed way before the catholic church abolished it, a religion that worships the power of a male and a female together being able to give birth.

    I told her this idea that it necessarily shouldn't be Anti Christ as the Catholic church tags and could be something else and that annoyed her.. Her church had told her that it was unacceptable and she wasn't ready to talk about it. I asked her whether she has read Dan Brown's The Davinci Code and she replied in negative and this was followed by a sudden out burst telling that she wouldn't ever do something that the Church had asked her not to do. She gracefully accepted the fact that she is a blind believer and that she didn't want anybody questioning her beliefs. The discussion ended there.

    I was shocked. In fact sad. The World's most powerful organization was surely very powerful and that in a way, it was a monarchy. They said that it degraded Jesus Christ, the God into a human. But for me, it was this fact that made me believe in Jesus more because I have seen humans and not Gods. God may be a mere belief of mine but I have actually seen, felt and have lived among actual human beings. It is not whether Jesus was a human or a God that matters.. it is whether he was someone worth listening to that matters.

    Like you said the topic is vast and anyone can go on and on. But I just wanted that our world has degraded into some place where servant is greater than the master..priest and policy makers of organizations in the name of God are more powerful and followed than The God himself.

  3. Something that came up when I read the comment about the blind follower. When Paganism had a strong ground in this world, Christainity trying to abolish it is very similar to what we are seeing now. Several anti-Christ organisations exist what i felt is that these organisations are where christainity have been when it tried to abolish or degrade paganism.

    All people want is power/ supremacy they will go to any extend to achieve it! Way of the World I guess!

    These blind followers are loosing a powerfull mind that can think, act and create! Good Luck to them.. and as these ppl are growing in number we are loosing a good amount of resources.. all they will create are robots!

  4. Well written. Especially liked the point of prayers being strong desires :)
